Friday, March 31, 2006

if u look close enough ull c my name everywhere. dont quite remember where but its there. this was one of my first drawings i did using nothing but pen

iv realised thast i seem to start every comment thingy with
"yup" or "yah" zo just to b diffrent i wrote this. a page filler......... more about hte drawing. dont ask.... its a "he" and no hez not on his period, and yes he is reaching for a sword. and im not gonna tell u how he got the wound on his back

finally got around to editing this one and i think i did a good job, but dont quite like the way i accidently murged her dress inot the wall.

This has to b one of the darker ones iv done. Basically what happened was I couldnt sleep for like a week.... I think....... and when i did fianally did sleep I got up in the middle of the night and drew this

Thursday, March 30, 2006

yup some reason this aint one of my favorites.. oh well

yup the dragon tat looks alot cooler now dont it?.. hmm.. yup iv run outa things 2 say

yup it looked alot cooler on paper this was one of my favorites. well when it was on paper...dam scanner

yah a non edited pic of the first dragon tattoo iv done in under 10 min. im quite proud :').... k before i start crying.

yah it was only after I finished drawing the pic that i realised that she has a freakishly large forhead for a woman.. oh well ill get over it

k this is one of the first drawings I decided 2 scan into my comp.... lil did i know the scanner really brings out the lil falws in your drawings, so i resorted 2 editing the ones i do scan. basically I never explain my drawings i rather let u figure it out for your selves. i like 2 here what ppl think is going on in each pic

The start

yaaah iv never actually done this before............k that sounded like a start of a conversation with a 1800 call girl. moving on. im just gonna b posting my art work on this site and would like 2 know "honestly" what u think of each one.